Social Matters


PhD Students have the possibility to apply for a place in WUT Dormitories. Accommodation process does not require submitting documents in paper forms and is conducted via webpage:,detail:4484501

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

Health and Safety (BHP)

Health and safety training, as well as fire protection course are conducted on-line by sharing training materials. PhD students then submit a declaration confirming getting acquainted with the materials, what is required to be registered for the next semester.


In accordance with the social insurance system regulations, social insurance contributions shall be deducted from the doctoral scholarship. Each PhD student who receives the scholarship is subject to obligatory pension, disability and accident insurance. Sickness insurance is voluntary.

Medical examination

Each freshly admitted PhD student is given a medical referral issued on the basis of the list of the hazardous factors completed by the supervisor (and advisor from the company for PhD students participating in the ‘Implementation doctorate’ program).

After medical examination, a PhD student has to submit a medical certificate to the PhD students Office in order to place it in his/her records.

Each freshly admitted PhD student is also obliged to sign a declaration of getting acquainted with the list of threats to health and life occurring at the Warsaw University of Technology, which is also kept in his/her records.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact