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Results of the I Competition for the PROM PW 2024 project

We invite you to check out the list of qualified participants!

XVIII Copernican Seminar of Doctoral Students (CSDS)

XVIII Copernican Seminar of Doctoral Students (CSDS), organized by the Faculty of Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. 

International Doctoral Seminars “Sustainability in Business, Economic and Financial Research”

Series of International Doctoral Seminars organized by Doctoral School of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business

Application for extension of the deadline for submitting the doctoral dissertation - IRP modification instruction

On December 17, 2024, an application for extending the deadline for submitting the doctoral thesis has been launched in the USOS Web system, which will be active until January 19, 2025. The application will be available to PhD students of the 8th semester and beyond. Additionally, you must attach a modification of the Individual Research Plan, completed in accordance with the attached instructions.

Three Minutes Thesis® Finals – Watch Live!

We warmly invite you to watch the final of the Three Minutes Thesis® competition, where 10 qualified finalists from among the PhD students of the Doctoral School will give their presentation in just three minutes!

Benefits for the audience of 3MT Competition!

Take part as an audience in the Three Minutes Thesis Competition and experience insightful and unique presentations of your fellow PhD students, who will try to show their thesis in just 3 minutes!

Stypendia Ministra Nauki dla Wybitnych Młodych Naukowców – edycja 20 – grudzień 2024

Informujemy o możliwości składnia wniosków o stypendium dla wybitnych młodych naukowców (SMN20) od 1 grudnia 2024 w systemie OSF.

International mobility and recruitment at the Doctoral School of Warsaw University of Technology – what can be improved?

We are conducting a study to support the internationalization of the Doctoral School. In a survey addressed to all doctoral candidates, we ask about their expectations regarding international mobility—preferred destinations, duration, activities undertaken during the stay, and preparation for the trip.

Consultations with Presidium cancelled on 14.11.2024

Consultations with Presidium have been cancelled on 14.11.2024.


Centrum Innowacji Politechniki Warszawskiej realizuje program, którego celem jest komercjalizacja technologii poprzez założenie spółki typu spin-off, licencjonowanie lub sprzedaż. W listopadzie uruchamiamy pilotażowe działania skierowane do doktorantów Politechniki Warszawskiej, którzy są zainteresowaniu transferem technologii do biznesu.