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Doctoral School Office and PhD Students Office closed on 16.08.2024
On August 16, Doctoral School Office and PhD Students Office will only work remotely – please contact us through e-mail form. With personal matters please come to the office on Monday after the weekend.
Change of visiting hours for PhD students during the summer months
Dear PhD Students, during the Summer months (July-August) the daily opening hours of PhD Students Office and Doctoral School Office are changed into 9-14. We will return to previous opening hours from September.
New Individual Research Plan templates and procedures
New Individual Research Plan templates are in effect from July 1, 2024.
Application for the appointment of a second supervisor and an assistant supervisor
An application for the appointment of a second supervisor and an assistant supervisor for doctoral students from the II semester to the V semester of the WUT Doctoral School has been launched in the USOS Web system.
Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards
Joint international doctoral award — The award is run in partnership with Emerald Publishing, a leading digital-first publishers, commissioning, curating and showcasing research that can make a real difference. It champions fresh thinking and supports the work of doctoral students whose research on responsible management can create positive impact on a local and global scale.
Consultations with Presidium - summer break
The last consultations with DS Presidium before the holidays take place on June 20 at standard hours: 11:00 - 12:00. The summer break is from June 24 to August 31 of 2024. We invite you for the consultations again in September.
Application for extension of the deadline for submitting the doctoral dissertation - IRP modification instruction
On June 17 (Monday), an application for extending the deadline for submitting the doctoral thesis will be launched in the USOS Web system, which will be active until September 2. The application will be available to PhD students of the 8th semester and beyond. Additionally, you must attach a modification of the Individual Research Plan, completed in accordance with the attached instructions.
Konferencje naukowe - Laboratorium Wiedzy Artur Borcuch
Laboratorium Wiedzy Artur Borcuch na koniec roku akademickiego organizuje trzy wydarzenia: Konferencję naukową: Esil University, Kazachstan; Konferencję naukową - Cyprus Science University; Projekt badawczy realizowany przez Lviv State University of Internal Affairs.
Symposium for Young Scientists of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw 2024
Organizing Committee would like to cordially invite you to participate in the 10th edition of the Polish nationwide conference - Symposium for Young Scientists of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw. The event will be held from 23th to 25th September 2024 at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
Symposium aims to enable students and PhD students to present their research results in the field of Physics and related sciences. In addition, it allows you to get acquainted with research projects carried out at other universities and establish new contacts with participants from all over Poland.
EuroScience Open Forum and Talent Fair
Od 12 do 15 czerwca 2024 r. odbędzie się w Katowicach międzynarodowa konferencja EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) – unikatowe wydarzenie, którego celem jest eksploracja związków między nauką a społeczeństwem, warunków prowadzenia badań naukowych oraz ich wpływu na otoczenie.
W obliczu globalnych wyzwań chcemy w gronie znakomitych osobowości reprezentujących światy nauki, biznesu i gospodarki dyskutować o nauce jako czynniku zmian w codziennym życiu, a także o tym, jak życie zmienia naukę.
Wydarzenie jest realizowane przez Miasto Katowice oraz partnerów Konsorcjum Akademickiego – Katowice Miasto Nauki, w formule bezpłatnej, otwartej i dostępnej dla wszystkich, którym bliskie są tematy związane z transformacją energetyczną, zrównoważonym środowiskiem, tożsamością kulturową i transformacją społeczną, przemianami w obrębie doskonałości naukowej, zdrowym społeczeństwem oraz transformacją cyfrową.