PhD in extramural mode

The proceedings for the award of the degree of doktor in extramural mode at the Warsaw University of Technology are regulated in the following acts:

-        Uchwała nr 231/L/2022 Senatu Politechniki Warszawskiej z dnia 22 czerwca 2022 r.
w sprawie   sposobu weryfikacji efektów uczenia się dla kwalifikacji na poziomie 8 PRK
w przypadku osób ubiegających się o nadanie stopnia doktora w trybie eksternistycznym

Resolution No 231/L/2022 of the Senate of the Warsaw University of Technology of June 22, 2022 on the method of verification of learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework in the case of persons applying for the degree of doktor in extramural mode

-        Uchwała nr 321/L/2023 Senatu PW z dnia 29 marca 2023 r. w sprawie sposobu postępowania w sprawie nadania stopnia doktora

 Resolution No 321/L/2023 of the Senate of the Warsaw University of Technology of March 29, 2023 on the mode of awarding the degree of doktor


The proceedings for the award of the degree of doktor in extramural mode are scheduled as follows:


  1. 1.                   Submission of an application for the appointment of a supervisor

A person applying for the degree of doktor in extramural mode shall submit an application for the appointment of a supervisor / supervisors or an assistant supervisor to the relevant Council of Scientific Discipline (Rada Naukowa Dyscypliny).


  1. 2.      Submission of an application for the verification of learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework

Upon receipt of the resolution of the scientific council on the appointment of a supervisor / supervisors or an assistant supervisor, a person applying for the degree of doktor in extramural mode shall submit an application for the verification of learning outcomes to the PhD Students Office.

The application shall be submitted in a paper form as well as on a data carrier (USB). The attachments to the application shall be submitted in the electronic form only.


The attachments are as follows:

1) documents confirming that the learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework have been obtained, including:

− a positive opinion of a supervisor / supervisors on the obtained learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework;

− documents confirming completion of training courses or other forms of education along with the descriptions or links to the descriptions available online;

− documents confirming the realization of activities conducted as part of the professional work or outside the professional work;

− documents confirming the realization of teaching practice with the use of modern teaching methods and techniques as well as documents confirming planned teaching practice.

2) proof of payment of the fee charged for carrying out the verification of learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework. The amount of the fee is PLN 2,000, in accordance with the art. 1 sec. 3 of the Decision No. 68/2024 of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology on the charges for conducting the proceedings for the award of the degree of doktor and for the award of the degree of doktor habilitowany  with further amendments (Decyzja nr 76/2021 Rektora Politechniki Warszawskiej w sprawie opłat za przeprowadzenie postępowania w sprawie nadania stopnia doktora oraz doktora habilitowanego z późn. zm.).


  1. 3.      Submitting the application for the verification of learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework to the Doctoral School

       Upon receipt of the application, the Head of the Education Committee of the Doctoral School appoints the committee responsible for carrying out the verification of learning outcomes.

  The committee verifies the attached documents and issues the opinion on whether or not the candidate’s competences correspond to the qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework.

Upon receipt of the opinion, the Head of the Education Committee applies to the Education Committee for the adoption of the resolution on the acceptance or rejection of the candidate’s qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework.

  1. 4.  Forwarding the resolution of the Education Committee to the person applying for the degree of doktor in extramural mode.

5. Submission of the application required to initiate the proceedings for the award of the degree of doktor in extramural mode.


Upon receipt of the resolution on the acceptance of the candidate’s qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework, the person applying for the degree of doktor in extramural mode, submits the application required to initiate the proceedings for the award of the degree of doktor to the relevant Council of Scientific Discipline, in accordance with the procedure referred to in the appendix to the resolution No 321/L/2023 of the Senate of the Warsaw University of Technology of March 29, 2023 on the mode of awarding the degree of doktor.